Harmonia caelestis

B. M. Černohorský, F. I. A. Tuma, P. Esterházy, J. J. I. Brentner, J. J. Fux, A. Caldara


Noémi Kiss – soprano
Affetti Musicali


Wednesday 28 July 2004, 7.30 pm
St Gallus Church, Havelská ul., Praha 1


Most composers comprised in this programme were connected by their origin or career to the Central-European region, the majority of which was under the Habsburg rule in the 17th and 18th centuries. Its main cultural centres were represented by the music of J. J. Fux, A. Caldara, F. I. A. Tuma (Vienna) and J. Brentner (Prague),  while the Hungarian part of the Habsburg monarchy was represented by the personage duke Pál Esterházy, one of the greatest patrons of arts of his time. Close to the border of the monarchy, Dresden was a great treasury of baroque repertoire and it was included in the programme through the music of J. A. Hasse and J. D. Zelenka.