Virtuosi at the Saxon Court


J. D. Zelenka, F. M. Veracini, G. Brescianello, J. D. Heinichen, J. G. Pisendel


Friday 11 July 2003, 7.30 pm
Baroque Library Hall, Melantrichova 19, Praha 1


Xenia Löffler – baroque oboe (Germany)
Daniel Deuter
– baroque violin (Germany)
Györgyi Farkas
– baroque bassoon (Hungary)
Pablo Kornfeld
– harpsichord (Argentina)


The metropolis of Saxony, Dresden, experienced its greatest flourish during the reign of the elector Friedrich August I.  With his access to the throne in 1694, Dresden became one of the most important centres of culture in Central Europe. The court orchestra was not the only music ensemble in the city, but certainly the most significant one. Apart from local musicians, its ranks were filled by a number of virtuosos from France and Italy and also some musicians from the neighbouring Bohemia. One of those was J. D. Zelenka whose compositions, alongside some virtuosic pieces by F. M. Veracini, G. Brescianello, J. D. Heinichen and J. G. Pisendel were performed by soloists from Germany, Hungary and Argentina.